Due to a very strange and unusual ranting email from one of the users on this forum in response to my initial request I must clarify:
(i cannot post his message since he explicitly said I couldn't)
The scope of this project is this: I am designing a velomobile. I chose this particular type of cycle because of their unique properties that may be exploited to replace fossil fuel powered vehicles for certain journeys. Further, I want to design a velomobile suitable for commuting.
The scope of this project is not to fully resolve every issue, but rather to form a concept that represents the possible future of velomobiles had they experienced the same evolutionary explosion as bicycle did in the 1980's for example.
and for the love of god - if you are going to email me to 'help' then be nice and help, don't be angry just because a design student appears to have taken on more than you think they could possibly understand.
I thought dinosaurs were extinct!
to everyone else - thank you for your guidance!
(design student / cyclist / cycle mechanic)