Hej kamrater liggister Uppfångat och stulet på Internet
08/28/02 BIKEE SPEAKS (MAJOR UPDATE) The following statement was just released by Bob Brown, former head of BikeE. "As a result of continued operating losses, on August 23, 2002, BikeE Corporation ceased operations and terminated all of its employees. Collection of accounts receivable and liquidation of remaining inventory is being handled by agents of secured creditors. " So there you have it. The largest recumbent bicycle producer in the world is no more.
NEW OPTIMA'S??? One of our own observant message board posters noticed this page on the Internet. www.optima-cycles.com/news/news.html It appears to show a few new Optima models. These include a new trike called the Rhyno and a carbon fiber Baron. We'll get more info from Optima as soon as we can. Thanks, jnogami!
Jan-Inge Ljungberg webmaster@liggister.org www.liggister.org