Hej kamrater liggister EUSTAFF 2003 ska gå av stapeln den 17 september i Oslo och vara framme den 21 september i Marseille. Ett brev från Borgmästaren i Oslo ska överbringas till Borgmästaren i Marseille. Nytt för i år är sträckan Oslo - Göteborg - Köpenhamn. För att klara den sträckan så efterlyses härmed snabba liggister för att i första hand klara sträckan Oslo - Göteborg där man tar färjan till Fredrikshavn. Vem kan ställa upp? Inbjudan med länkar och annat följer längre ner i brevet här.
Facts stolen from EUSTAFF: Km/Team (drivers) Oslo Oslo-Svinesund: 113,4 37,8 (6)* Svines.-Göteborg: 194,2 Göteborg-Fähre: 1,7 49,0 (8)
* A guesstimate, HPV Norway must correct this figure
Lite konstig tabell men den blir förklarad senare....
Vänliga hälsningar
Jan-Inge Ljungberg webmaster@liggister.org www.liggister.org
Hello, Peter, hello, Jan-Inge,
the german HPV is organizing this year the fourth EUSTAFF - the recumbent-stage through Europe. We want to start this year in Oslo with a letter of the major of Oslo up to Göteborg, with ferry to Frederikshavn, and there will the first danish team start. The way goes on through the northern germany, Netherlands, Belgium, along the river Rhein, through Switzerland and the southern France. Target is Marseille after more than 3000 km in a approximated 110 h night-and-day-drive by more than 30 teams. We drive this route on the occasion of the european day "to-town-without-car" - but we don't drive to town as well than through towns :-) We're looking for a few fit drivers for the distance between Oslo and Göteborg. Do you know somebody, who is possibly interested? I will drive in every case and quite sure a second (Hamburger driver sounds interesting, but I mean) driver from Hamburg. Parallel I'm trying to organize a route from Berlin to the near of Hamburg. I'm hopeful to get a letter from the german minister of transport to his colleague in Belgium, for example, or somewhere else. If you need informations, please feel free to have a look to: unpublished informations for EUSTAFF 2003: http://www.hpv.org/event/eustaff03/ earlier EUSTAFFs: http://www.hpv.org/event/eustaff00/, http://www.hpv.org/event/eustaff01/, http://www.hpv.org/event/eustaff02/ Sorry, but the most of the english texts is lost ;-( If you have questions, please ask them, thanks.
Sanitasstr. 10 21107 Hamburg +49 40 41 35 55 43