The bicycle backlash unfolds By Claire Heald BBC News
The bicycle. It's the model of green transport and sales of folding ones that fit on trains are stepping up a gear. But as they multiply, so does rush-hour resentment, as commuters and cyclists come to blows.
Dawn is breaking over one commuter-town train station as the daily grind of travelling to work begins. A City type is easy to pick out at the far end of the London-bound platform - he has forgone formal pinstripes for Lycra shorts and a luminous top.
He collapses his bike into a spiral that is barely bigger than its 16in (41cm) wheels.
A Brompton folding bicycle, it's the bowler hat of modern commuting - compact, popular, a bit of a design classic.
Its owner is polite and considerate but hesitates to give his name. Glancing sideways, he says he takes an earlier train to avoid the worst of the rush-hour. For him, cycling "at both ends" - in the sticks and the city - means he travels in an environmentally-friendly way.
So what's not to like here?
Plenty, say fellow commuters, aggrieved by the increasing number of folding bikes vying for space on the train. Sales are up, and the crush inside the carriages is on.
Sweaty menace?
"Here's one! Right here," pipes teacher David Pyle, as he opens the train doors to reveal a folding bike strapped to a handrail on the 0628 BST from Sevenoaks to Charing Cross.
Stepping inside, there are no seats left and he struggles to find a place to stand and hold on.
He complains that bikes, even folding ones, take up too much room. And he doubts their environmental credentials when some riders are dropped off at the station in a 4x4
And there is wrath for the sweatier cyclists.
James Waller of Evans Cycles shows us how to fold and assemble a folding bike.
"Yes, you should try to protect the environment, but you should be sensitive to others," he says. "If putting your bike on the train obstructs other people's standing space, it doesn't fulfil any ecological criteria."
Cramming into a busy train while under pressure of time - commuting is hardly an experience that brings out the spirit of generosity in us. Take father and son city-workers Nick and Tom Hester.
"For years we had a long standing thing about a little guy who we called 'cyclo git'," says Nick. "He had a row just about every day - the classic 'get his bike out of the boot at Sevenoaks station' man."
"They're so arrogant with their 'let me through, I'm a cyclist' attitude. The trains are crowded enough, they should be banned during rush hour."
"The most annoying of the lot is the people who build their bike just as everyone gets up to get off," adds Tom. "There's a perfectly large station - why do it on the train?"
Sales shift gear
They've noticed the change as sales of "folders" are on the rise in the UK - about 75,000 of the 3.5 million bikes sold last year. Market leader Dahon says its sales are growing by about a third each year. UK-based Brompton says it's unable to keep pace with demand.
Bike and train commuter Ercan Ozcelik the morning crush
Partly it's down to technical improvements - folding bikes have improved both in the ride they give and how quick and easy they are to fold (7-15 seconds for a Brompton).
Other factors have also driven sales: the London congestion charge (and similar plans in 10 other UK centres); growing awareness about exercise; and the 7 July bombings which converted many to pedal power.
The city now boasts a high-profile cycling mayor and will this year host its second folding bike race for commuters. Across the rail network, standard bikes are either banned by train companies at peak times or must be booked-in.
"Tick, tick, tick"
As rush hour rolls on, the steady tap of rain on the train windows hardens to a more aggressive pelt. Mac-clad passengers squash onboard. Soggy brollies dangle. Tempers begin fray.
But there is also the "tick, tick, tick" sound of folding bikes being wheeled up to, and off of, trains.
City lawyer Roger Day is undeterred by the conditions; indeed they are "liberating". "I always cycle in the morning, rain or shine," he beams.
He does four miles to the station, and a quick sprint in the city: "I used to drive to and from Canary Wharf, and it was miserable. This journey takes longer, but I would take it a million times it's fantastic and helps keep me healthy."
Other cyclists are keen to show how little room their bike occupies; how easy it is to assemble: "It takes half a minute," says investment banker Jamie MacLean, unfolding his bike at London Bridge.
The us-and-them aggravation in the dog-eat-dog world of the train doorway is well known to some, however. Ercan Ozcelik has 22 years of taking the train and cycling to work under his waterproof, high-visibility belt.
"Coming home, when there's no seats, you can see them looking at you in your shorts, thinking 'I haven't got a seat, and yet he's got a bike'."
Blame game
But to place blame under the tyres of the bicycle is to miss the problem, say cycling's proponents. It is train overcrowding and the demise of the storage-giving guard's van that are at the root.
"Commuters have a problem with other commuters," says Tom Bogdanowicz of the London Cycling Campaign. "The bottom line is they're complaining about overcrowding on trains, not specific items."
The solution? Greater capacity for people and trains designed to take bikes.
Then everyone could fold up their bike at the station, and carry it on to the train.
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