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Är det någon som kan översätta de engelska termerna "Unicrown fork", "Triple clamp fork", till svenska?
Med vänlig hälsning
Göran Hartzell Dingergatan 12 S-633 51 ESKILSTUNA Sweden mail: goran.hartzell@telia.com
Den sön, 19 oktober 2008 22:25 skrev goran.hartzell:
Hej alla!
Är det någon som kan översätta de engelska termerna "Unicrown fork", "Triple clamp fork", till svenska?
Med vänlig hälsning
Göran Hartzell Dingergatan 12 S-633 51 ESKILSTUNA Sweden mail: goran.hartzell@telia.com
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A unicrown fork incorporates the fork leg and the fork crown into one unit. Conversely, an investment cast fork will be constructed with the fork crown and fork legs as three different pieces. The investment cast fork can be identified by a "squared off" bend at the top of the fork legs - as if the fork legs were inserted into the fork crown (similar to traditional road or touring forks on upright bikes). The unicrown fork appears as though the fork legs were bent and welded directly to the fork's steerer tube (see images below).