2011/3/20 Boris
På den dagliga serie-strippen Yehuda Moon & the Kickstand Cyclery [http://www.yehudamoon.com/index.php?date=2011-03-20] påstår idag signaturen "Unabiker" att
"Recumbents are terrible for your cervical spine. I have yet to see one that promotes a healthy cervical posture. Everyday modern life is bad enough on promoting an unhealthy protracted cervical posture. Recumbents only add negatively to that. At least properly fitted traditional road bikes place your neck in a retracted position and strengthen the muscles that promote a healthy cervical curve along with protecting the spine from compression shocks. Unless you have a specific condition that keeps you off a traditional bike, recumbents are a hazard to your health."
(Kör man den i Google translate översätter de cervical till livmoderhalscancer ...)
Så illa kan det väl ändå inte vara?
Cervix betyder hals på latin, cervical spine är nacken. Jag var tvungen att svara honom :P