Hej kamrater liggister Den knasiga liggcykeltidningen Byke Kultuur Never försöker lista filmer med recumbents i. Här nedanför följer resultatet så här långt. Går det inte att köra liggcykel i vinter så får man väl hyra en film!
Recumbent Films Bicentenial Man A faired BikeE makes a brief appearances. Robin Williams stretches his skills playing an android called Andrew. Andrew the Android? Doh!
2010: Odyssey Two in which early on the hero is seen jogging down a road with son riding alongside on a recumbent trike approximately the size of Rutland. Sequel to classic science fiction film 2001: a Space Odyssey, often known as, "ten past eight."
The Flintstones features a working, yet slightly stoneaged looking recumbent trike. Live action version of the original cartoon.
Bugsy Malone features a whole load of pedal-power cars, a bit like a Brox with a big body built around it. Childrens musical set in the days of prohibition Chicago. Songs dubbed.
Robin Hood, Prince of Theives stars Kevin Costner, previously seen in American Flyers doesn't actually feature any recumbents but Neil Coles from Kilham, nr Wooler, Northumberland, was an extra in it and he rides a Ross Festina and his partner Sue rides a Kingcycle!
The Straight Story (David Lynch, 1999). There is a sequence when a group of cyclist pass Straight's ride-on mower. The group includes "more than one" recumbent.
Thanks to John Jermy, gNick Green,Buzz Starkbier who supplied most of the recumbent movie info. I also found [ http://www.bikehighway.com/moviereviews.htm ]http://www.bikehighway.com/moviereviews.htm and [ http://www.massbike.org/info/movies.htm ]http://www.massbike.org/info/movies.htm very useful sources of cycling movie information. Dave Perry's impressive book, "Bike Cult," was also useful research material, damn good book too.
Theres bound to more out there. Does anyone else know of any?
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Jan-Inge Ljungberg webmaster@liggister.org www.liggister.org