Hej Peter mfl! Kollade i nedanstående organisations rekordtabeller och flygande 200m är tomma! Peter Skicka in våra rekordlistor från förra GBGträffen! Vi kan bli först! New HPV racing organisation to record unfaired rides Currently there are a number of records organizations for bicycle records. The UCI records records for all standard upright bikes with no aerodynamic modifications. The IHPVA records absolute records for any type of human powered vehicle. The World Recumbent Racing Association has been organized to recognize the accomplishments of non-faired recumbent bicycle racers, and to keep a record of those accomplishments. As there was previously no organization that records these feats, the WRRA is in the unique position to begin this task. Separate records categories will be available for Men and Women in 3 different age categories each. In addition, records for unfaired, tail cone, and nose cone recumbent vehicles will be recorded. Note that the WRRA does not organize, sanction, insure or oversee events or record attempts. The WRRA exists only to record outstanding achievements on recumbent bicycles and ensure that these achievements were accomplished in a consistent and fair manner. See [ http://www.recumbents.com/wrra/ ]http://www.recumbents.com/wrra/ for more details. Warren Beauchamp
Jan-Inge Ljungberg webmaster@liggister.org Kassör HPV Sverige www.liggister.org