02-04-11 19.38, skrev Marcel van Eijk på marcel.vaneijk@swipnet.se följande:
I'm actually quite certain that the speed limits only apply to motorized vehicles; there are some other regulations for mopeds. Cyclists have no obligation to have a speedometer mounted, and are therfore not able to verify their speed. I have to lookup the law texts.
As far as I know, motorbikes are not obliged to have a speedometer, but in case of lacking one they must have a tachometer instead. In such case they can only make an estimation of the acutal speed, unless they have timed some distances.
But the "lawwriter" was probably not aware of that speedy bikes and bikers (i.e. HPV bikes, not motorbikes) and as they are not mentioned specifically in the regulation, they have to obey to the "standard" rules. So I think that this is a "white spot" on the map. If the poor girl had refused to pay the fine the policeman gave her, stating any reason, they would have gone to court, and perhaps, maybe, the court would have said "guilty", as hpv-bikes have no special "speed rules"...
I think...
But still, the roads where you can reach these speeds are probably (mostly) either of the kind that allows that high speed (e.g. paved motorways in the country). But if you "fly" at say 60-70 km/h down a city street, then you are stupid. (Just think of what might run out on the street...)
So if the police gets you, that was perhaps a good thing - for the rest of us. After all, we are decent people, aren't we?
Gosh, what started as a joke - ends up in a long debate, I think I've said my words now...