Hi all!
onsdagen den 23 oktober 2002 kl 10.26 skrev Per Eric Rosén:
Just one catch: If memory serves me correctly the ICU rules states that no form of energy storing mechanism is allowed. That would include the cranks we are talking about.
I'll jump in too ... (what is ICU btw? not the same as UCI?)
Isn't the *IHPVA* rule "no stored energy [for propulsion]" (before start) ? Just think of the spinning wheels, a pretty good storage device :-)
If I rememer the IHPVA rules, they allow energy storage for 'less than one turn of the crank'. So most of the mentioned systems would be allowed, if I get it right.
Med vänlig hälsning, Peter Markusson
----------------------------- Ekokompaniet Rådgivning - Bildelning - Miljö (Advice - Carsharing - Environment)
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