mikael.blyborg@stahl.nu tikte glashard:
Som enkel nybörjare har jag fått intrycket att HPV räknas som, att man kan ersätta en motor med en människa, och vice versa i ett fordon av vilket slag som helst, för att räknas som hpv-fordon.
Det finns ingen regel eller princip att man måste ersätta en motor i ett fordon för att kallas för hpv.
Så om man sätter vingar på armarna (ornithokopter, typ) och flaxar iväg till väders så är det ingen HPV
Detta gäller som HPV om föraren sitter i eller på ett fordon.
, men
däremot en mekanisk konstruktion där drivkraften är från muskler, ben armar eller kombination, som driver vingarna, propeller, rotor, etc. Kan direkt ersättas med motor i alla dessa fall, med smärre (?) justeringar. (V, ifrån engelskans Vechicle ,= Fordon vingar på armarna + flax, är inget fordon utan användade av redskap)
Båt, t.ex, HPV är inte roddbåt,
En roddbåt är naturligtvis en HPV med en väldig enkel drivmekanism. Detsamma gäller till exempel en sparkcykel.
Visst "vanlig cykel" skulle då räknas till kategorin HPV, men iom den är vanligt förekommande så kallas den "bara" cykel.
Men den räknas också som HPV och man får gärna använda den i HPV tävlingar.
Jag antar att liggcyklar har fått låna begreppet HPV för att skilja sig från cyklar ? komfort-cykel är annars ett vanligt förekommande begrepp.
Komfortcykel är inget vanligt begrepp när man menar liggcykel, begreppet kan däremot användas till de 'nya' så kallade EZB (easybike).
P.S. På IHPVA's hemsida står reglerna till HPV när de används i tävlingar:
3.1 Vehicle Requirements 3.1.1 Power: Vehicles must be driven solely by human power. Non-human power sources (batteries, solar cells, etc.) are permitted only for powering sensors, displays, communication equipment and lights. Control devices, cooling fans, powered aerodynamic devices, etc., may not be powered from non-human sources.
3.1.2 Energy Storage: No device which stores energy over more than one input power cycle (e.g., one leg stroke), or which releases energy under control of the operator, may be used in any event except the road race, or speed events longer than one mile. Energy storage devices are permitted in these events provided no energy is stored before the start of the event (this means absolutely no chemical, electrical, kinetic, potential, or other form of energy storage at the start.)
3.1.3 Brakes: All vehicles must have a safe means of stopping.
3.1.4 Control: All vehicles must be controlled by the rider(s), with the single exception of that necessitated by the standing start as described in section
3.1.5 Integrity: No vehicle may discard any part after beginning motion.
3.1.6 Geometry: The vehicle geometry may not be alterable during use except for steering purposes; i.e. sails or moving control surfaces specifically intended to enhance the sailing characteristics of the vehicle are not permitted.
4.1 VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS (PURE HUMAN POWER CLASS) 4.1.1 Power: Vehicles must be driven solely by self-contained human power. Non-human power sources (batteries, solar cells, etc.) are permitted only for powering sensors, displays, communication equipment, or lights. Control devices, cooling fans, aerodynamic and hydrodynamic devices must be human powered. Some exceptions may be allowed, but must be approved in advance of any attempt by the IHPVA Records Committee. Power may not be extracted from wave energy or wind and water currents, except momentarily in such a way that the overall effect during the attempt does not constitute an advantage when compared to the same attempt without these conditions, or within the tolerances specified in Appendix B.
4.1.2 Energy Storage: In events with a flying start the accumulation of the kinetic energy of vehicle and rider(s) is permitted in accordance with rule Other forms of energy storage are permitted provided this energy is created within the timing section of an attempt and provided its source is human power. No pre-start storage is allowed. See Appendix B and also rule 4.1.1 regarding instrument batteries.
4.1.3 Propulsion: Propulsion must be provided entirely by hydrodynamic and/or aerodynamic devices. Any type of fluid-dynamic propulsion device is allowed. Particular characterisations of propulsion, e.g. oars, propellers, paddle wheels, or those not covered by these rules (e.g. punting) may be divided into separate sub-classes. Riders may use any and all parts of their bodies for propulsion (except for the 'Arms Only' class defined in rule section
4.1.4 Control: Vehicle control forces must be provided by onboard rider-controlled mechanical, hydrodynamic, or aerodynamic device(s). The on-board rider(s) must control the vehicle; other person(s) or means must not control the vehicle. Auto-steering devices under the direct control of the rider are permitted.
4.1.5 Integrity: No materials may be jettisoned for aiding propulsion or lightening the craft other than unadulterated water or air collected during the attempt. The rider must ride on or in the vehicle.
4.1.6 Support: All types of devices directly or indirectly supported by the water are allowed. This includes displacement and planing craft, hydrofoils, hovercraft, and craft having moving skins or tracks. Vehicles using an "air cushion" or "ground effect" are permitted, whereas craft capable of free flying are not. Records characterised by the type of support, e.g. displacement craft, or underwater craft, are considered sub-classes (see The rider(s) and vehicle must be able to begin and end any attempt fully afloat and essentially stationary with respect to the water. For the passage through the timing section itself, see 4.2.3.
4.1.7 Rider Attributes: Any number of active riders of either gender may power the vehicle. The gender and number of riders constitute a class distinction, e.g. single-rider, women. Those who request a class distinction for other physical attributes: youth, senior, physical size, physical disability, etc. may request such distinction from the IHPVA Records Committee. Approval must be completed prior to any record attempt.