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DVD ORDER FORM 2003 World Human Powered Speed Challenge DVD Battle Mountain, Nevada, September 15- 20 Exclusive 1 hour and 15-minute DVD shot by Bill Cook of Barcroft Cycles during 6 days of races at Battle Mountain. Contains close-up launch and finish line video of the major competitors; Sam Whittingham's spectacular 80-mph crash, the full story of the exciting Slovenian team, Fast Freddy Markham's fastest run ever; interviews with George Georgiev, designer and builder of the world-champion Varna streamliners; Matjaz Leskovar, the lead Slovenian racer, description of Matt Weaver's latest bike, how Joe Kochanowski had a fast streamliner built in about two weeks time, chats with the volunteer workers, and much, much more. DVD cost is $20 for each copy. Allow two weeks for delivery. ________number of copies times $20 USD ______________ (includes postage to U.S. addresses) Add $2 for postage to Canada, Mexico ______________ Add $3 for postage to other non-USA addresses ______________ Total enclosed $______________ Your address to mail DVD: Name _________________________________________ Address_______________________________________ _______________________________________ City _________________________________________ State or province________________________________ Postal code___________________________________ Country ______________________________________ Send this form and your check to: Bill Cook Barcroft Cycles Video 3501 Farm Hill Drive Falls Church, VA 22044 USA Questions: [ mailto:barcroftcycles@cox.net ]barcroftcycles@cox.net [ http://www.barcroftcycles.com/index.html ]Return to Home