Naturligtvis tänkte ingen på att ersätta polisens upwrong-cyklar med recumbents, där riskerna mot mannens mandom (mandon?) är automagiskt minimerade!
Från den vetenskapliga studien "*Cutting Off the Nose to Save the Penis*" [Journal of Sexual Medicine, vol. 5, no. 8, 2008, pp. 1932–40]
“The average bicycle police officer spends 24 hours a week on his bicycle and previous studies have shown riding a bicycle with a traditional (nosed) saddle has been associated with urogenital paresthesia and sexual dysfunction. The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the no-nose bicycle saddle as an ergonomic intervention and their acceptance among male bicycle police officers. Bicycle police officers from five U.S. metropolitan areas were recruited for this study.”