Skrivet av Hans Wessels på At this link a long (100 Mb) videoclip by Quest driver Lango Metten. We had as much uphills as downhills but filming while going up hill is a lot harder (and less fun) as going down hill.
Quest i nerförsbackar i 95 km/h, filmen är ca 28 minuter lång, medverkande bl.a Marcel vår listmanager!
Mary Arneson skriver.... The Giessen movie is really great! It is in .wmv format, so I had to put it on a CD and watch it on my husband's laptop. It runs almost a half hour and shows the ride from the Netherlands to Giessen (including being stopped by a police officer who had been summoned by a truck-driver who reported dangerous vehicles on the road; the officer checked to make sure that it was just HPV's and assured the riders that they were, in fact, legal), the gathering of velomobiles at the Old Forest Lodge near Biebertal, the assembly in the morning for the ride down to Giessen, 43 velomobiles and four trikes riding through the fog to Giessen, velomobiles in front of the old Armory in Giessen, riders looking at the castle and having a snack, a glance at the market, the ride back to Biebertal, with a stop for an uphill race, a presentation by Rohloff, showing how the Rohloff Speedhub works, and people having supper together. The next morning, the 20 Dutch riders started back to the Netherlands. There are wonderful shots of downhill rides, with speeds up to 95 km/hour. (Dale and I are the riders on the Greenspeed trikes. We had to leave our Cab-Bikes at home in Minneapolis.)
Jan-Inge Ljungberg Kassör HPV Sverige 040-453774 0702092563 Prästagårdsvägen 17, Arrie 235 94 Vellinge