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Third issue of Bicycling Science is here
The 'Bible' of technical cycling books is bigger and better than ever...
A review copy of the third edition of the 'bible' of cycling technology and science, Bicycling Science by David Gordon Wilson just arrived. It looks like [ http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?sid=733C6D73-9F46-4C45-98E9... ]hardback and [ http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?sid=733C6D73-9F46-4C45-98E9... ]softcover versions are available (those links go to the publisher's site at MIT Press, and give all the ISBN numbers, prices etc). It'll probably be a few weeks before the first copies filter out into bookstores.
At first glance it looks like there's just a lot more to it than the 2nd edition - it runs to nearly 480 pages. More next issue when we'll have a full review. Posted on 25 March 2004
Jan-Inge Ljungberg webmaster@liggister.org Kassör HPV Sverige www.liggister.org