Jag fick via email bra ytterligare info från Matthias på http://flevelo.com/ som har bott i Sverige och cyklat ungefär min sträcka också... kul! Flevelo säljer Greenmachine, jag frågade om jag fick posta hans kommentarer och det var OK. Han tror inte att motor gör så mycket till på den, men rekommenderar HPVelotechniks framkåpa.
"Matthias på Flevelo"
We in Luebeck make an average speed of 30 km/h on touring to the beach for example which is in a distance of 25 km from our home in the center of Luebeck. My personal best time with the greenmachine is 41 minutes. My age is 56 years. I am no professional biker, but I bike every day, since we don't have a car at all.
We would recommend you to give the greenmachine even without electrical assistance a chance. As you said quite right, you are much faster with a recumbent bike than with a upright bike. You need 20 -30 percent less power.
You should not forget, that a motor is quite expensive. You will have to pay at least more than 1000 Euro on top. Besides it makes your bike much heavier because the weight is growing up about 7 to 10 kilos more incuding the battery.
We know about people in the netherlands who use the greenmachine everyday, going up to 40 km per direction every day biking to work!
There is protection against wind and rain with a special shade streamer ( http://www.hpvelotechnik.com/produkte/streamer/index_e.html ) . Winterseason in Lübeck is probably very simular to Göteborg. The greenmachine has been invented for all sorts of weather and bad street-conditions. In that respect you can be quite confident.