Hej liggister Här är egentligen två bilagor med. Men mailistmanagern tillåter inte sådant ;-) Den ena bilagan heter location och visar var seminariet är och den andra heter program och innehåller programmet för seminariet. Är någon intresserad av de filerna så hör av er så skickar jag dem till er.
MVH Jan-Inge
Dear velomobile enthusiasts, Please find further information on our Velomobile Seminar in Germersheim.
The Velomobile seminar will take place at the Deutsches Strassenmuseum, which is approx. 1 kilometre away from the railway station (location.pdf) Program (preliminary-program.pdf)
The proceedings and a CD-ROM will be available at the registration desk.
Best regards,
Joachim Fuchs
Joachim Fuchs Holunderweg 12 76327 Pfinztal Tel: ++49-721-4644096 Fax: ++49-721-826539 [ fcp://@fc.folkbildning.net,%236000161/cgi-bin/compose?curmbox=F000000001&a=9edd2a81f87cfde18a8e47726188af4e&mailto=1&to=jo-fuchs@gmx.de&msg=MSG1082022008.17&start=1081459&len=383314&src=&type=x ]jo-fuchs@gmx.de www.velomobile.info
08:00-09:00 Registration
09:15 Introduction Joachim Fuchs Block I: Discussion: Andreas Fuchs 09:20 Velomobiles- Definition And Characteristics Stefan Gloger 09:40 Safety in spite of lightweight construction Jürgen Eick, Carl-Georg Rasmussen 10:00 Velomobile Design Based on a Modular Concept German Eslava, Reinhold Schwemmer 10:20 Noise in velomobiles Joachim Fuchs, Andreas Fuchs 10:40 Coffee break 10:40 11:00
Block II: Discussion: Joachim Fuchs 11:00 Engineering of human powered vehicles using anthropometric data Andreas Fuchs 11:20 Maintenance Free Tyres for Velomobiles Ian Sims 11:40 Velomobile Market Prospects in the U.S. David M. Eggleston 12:00 Social Impediments to Velomobile adoption Peter Cox 12:20
Lunch break 12:20 14:00
Block III Discussion: Stefan Gloger 14:00 Survival of the fittest Carl-Georg Rasmussen, Jürgen Eick 14:20 The face of velomobile technology Frederik Van De Walle 14:40 Simple is beautiful. Charles and Georges Mochet and the history of the Velocar Michael Grützner 15:00 Coffee break 15:00 15:20
Block IV Discussion: Joachim Fuchs 15:20 Development of Velomobiles in Cooperation of Universities and Industrial Partners Gunter Kramp 15:40 Desira-Story Stefan Gloger 16:00 Cyclodyne - das vergessene Velomobil Cyclodyne - the forgotten velomobile Ingo Kollibay 16:20 Discussion
17:00 End of seminar