Hej alla,
En Trice X2 är stulen i Göteborg nyligen, håll utkik! Jag tog bort
fotona, det finns inte så många svarta trike-tandem i Sverige...
Vidarebefordrat brev:
> Från: "Inspired Cycle Engineering" <sales(a)ice.hpv.co.uk>
> Datum: den 13 juni 2005 14.21.21 MET
> Till: <hpvmats(a)yahoo.se>, <peter.markusson(a)telia.com>
> Kopia: <john(a)bhpc.org.uk>
> Ämne: Stolen X2 Tandem
> Svara till: "Inspired Cycle Engineering" <comp2(a)ice.hpv.co.uk>
> Hi
> We have just heard from one of our customers that their TRICE X2
> recumbent tandem trike was stolen in Gothenburg yesterday, June 12th.
> The tandem was locked up in a shed at the Gothenburg Youth Hostel,
> with a locking cable through the front wheels, and a lock around the
> rack which was fastened around a post. The thieves broke into the
> shed, and cut through the rack to remove the tandem.
> The owners have just started a tour of Sweden, and are probably going
> to fly back to the UK tomorrow.
> The tandem is black, and it is a unique machine. Photos are attached.
> Could you please alert your members to look out for the tandem, and if
> they see it anywhere, to contact the police. I also understand
> you have a Swedish language HPV mailing list; could you please send a
> copy of this email to it.
> Cheers
> John Olson
> john(a)ice.hpv.co.uk (Inspired Cycle Engineering, my work)
> john(a)bhpc.org.uk (British Human Power Club, webmaster)