Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos writes:
For me OCB is low priority.
Ok, let's leave ocb for now (I will still consider it if someone else writes a complete patch, including testcases and docs, in time for the release).
Chacha with poly (not in the list above) however is more important to me to implement the final draft (on the current state the algorithm is fixed, only typos and other non-essential parts can be changed)
Thanks for the reminder. I agree that makes a lot of sense for 3.1. You have done some work to update of Nettle's implementation, but I don't remember the status?
It would be nice if the interface makes it possible to implement the other variants, like what's used in openssh, and nacl (or maybe nacl is using salsa20 rather than chacha?)?
Regards, /Niels