Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos writes:
About the release... Since you added the fat, would it include AESNI +PCLMUL?
AESNI is in. If you have the time, it would be interesting if you could benchmark it against the gnutls code. The nettle implementation is pretty basic, maybe it could be sped up a bit by unrolling or by caching subkeys in registers.
Haven't looked carefully at pclmul, so I don't know how difficult it is to make use of it.
If yes that would reduce significantly the assembly shipped in gnutls (only the padlock functions would remain).
I guess padlock code could be ported over to Nettle, if it's still relevant.
Ah, and currently Nettle has aesni support only for x86_64, not 32-bit x86.
Regards, /Niels