See attachment.
Her smile, Laird, and thats th
Connor blinked. Her smile? Dav
Her heart? Her heart is as pur
Then why did you allow her to
See attachment.
Im quite all right now, Alex.
Johanna nodded. The movement m
It sure as certain was quick,
Auggie was deliberately trying
See attachment.
She caught a few more snatches
The man cared about herperhap
Royce liked to lecture her. An
And so, wife, I believe it wou
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I just wanted you to know ther
I didnt sleep with Brodick, sh
Yes, you did too. Alec, it isn
But, Mama� Hush, sweetheart. G
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By weeks end, he had to reeval
Carolines father had insisted
Business forced Bradfords retu
The necklace was returned by t
Bradford was irritated over he
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Johanna wasnt going to be sway
I do not care for your foolish
She had to take the time to ex
If Glynis nodded any more vehe
Did you tell our laird? she as
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I dont believe thats necessary
Shouldnt we do something? Calu
Gabriel shook his head. Shell
We shouldnt have upset her, Mi
Why did she suddenly get a bee
See attachment.
Winters finished his work, gav
As soon as Raymond went upstai
Alesandra tried to go to her b
The time had come to explain i
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Annie continued to hover, look
She asked the question a scant
Had he shown her a glimmer of
Realizing she was pressing aga
The worst is over, lass, Annie
See attach.
He caught up with Jamie fiftee
Husband and wife faced each ot
You asked me to leave you in p
I did. She nudged her mount fo