Chris wrote:
I suppose this may be explained somewhere, but I've been at a lose to discover it. Why do GTP coordinates not use the letter I? SGF uses I, or at least doesn't mention it explicitly ( Most non-GTP go board markups I've seen use I. Sensei's Library lists some answers to this question, but they seem fairly vague and inconclusive. Is there a real reason or is it just convention?
It's traditional in computer go, see for example major go servers like IGS, KGS, NNGS. Except for sgf I don't know an example where 'I' is included. Even the GMP specification excludes it, although it's of no real importance there.
Don wrote:
Of course you probably realize that the letter 'I' is easily confused with the letter 'J' and is avoided in the game of Go for this reason.
And 'l'.