I'm new on this list so I don't know if I'm asking these questions at the right place. I've been working to get my own bot to work on KGS. So far things are going well but I've been having 2 problems.
The first one is about the connection of my engine to kgsGtp. At the moment I'm doing this through the stdin/stdout method and kgsGtp starts up my exe. However, this is not how I want it to work. I want to communicate over a tcp/ip port to kgsGtp using the "engine.port=<port#>" command in the ini file. When I try this, I get the following messages in my log file:
18-nov-2006 20:27:00 org.igoweb.kgs.client.gtp.GtpClient main FINER: Waiting for a connection on port 4000 18-nov-2006 20:28:22 org.igoweb.kgs.client.gtp.GtpClient main FINER: Got connection. Closing server socket.
So it seems to get a connection but right after that kgsGtp disconnects. Anybody has an idea why?
The second issue is about resigning a game. When I'm playing against my bot on KGS I want to resign the game at some point. So I press the 'Resign' button and the game is ended on my side. However, I see no message being sent to my engine about the resignation. My engine just keeps on thinking until the opponent's time runs out. Shouldn't kgsGtp send a "play <color> resign" statement?
Any help is welcome.
Thanks in advance, Patrick.