Markus Enzenberger wrote:
On Monday 18 July 2005 07:55, Joan Pons Semelis wrote:
Yes: setting up a joseki of the type territory versus influence and cheking again different sizes and rest of the board positions to see how the influence side of the joseki works. You can do this to a limited extend even in sgf format, and I use this feature from time to time.
that is a use-case I haven't thought of. But you are relying on implementation dependent behaviour of your engine, so it would be cleaner to use a private extension command
I'm well aware that this is not portable, but a private command would not be portable neither, and I don't find it so necessary as to advocate for a standard command as a portable clean resize and reload of the basic position is not that bad. Others may have found an "undefined" state more suited to their engines, so I think it's OK as it is.
If I want something portable I can not use an undefined board, so I would always need to clear it first before using it, so why allow for undefined states if not for private use ?
- Markus
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