Ellyne said -
>Look, we all know I'm the little arch-conservative. Do you think
>arch-conservatives are blind to social injustices?
>Or that welfare 'reforms' that seem likely to
>penalize children when they kick in in the very near future don't make me
I don't know any other arch-conservatives to whom those two descriptions
would apply which is why I wouldn't have classified you in that category. I
would have called you right of central, certainly, but I wouldn't have put
you with the arch-coservative poeple one sees on other lists who rant on
about 'Let the babies die, it's Darwinian'. I know you aren't in that group.
>I know I'm not always the best at expressing myself, but have I really
>done that poor a job?
OK, well you did pick up that I was a bit pissed off, but in fact it was
simpler than that. I'm in a very long-standing partnership, which is not
formal marriage, and I took exception to the undercurrent coming from a
bunch of people on the list, that a relationship which is not formalised by
State approval means the people have less respect for each other, or less
commitment, or are dislinclined to care for their children, or whatever.