I've been introducing a few folks from a college science fiction group
to Blake's 7 this academic year. We're in the final stages now...
we watched Traitor and Stardrive this week. It's been very instructive
to see the series through new eyes. The group includes an Avon fan,
a Vila fan, a Gan fan who is amazed that anyone might deny the intensity
of the Blake-Avon relationship, and someone who watches to glory in the
bad special effects and good stories. We took some time after these
last episodes to talk about it (and the Neon Genesis Evangelion marathon
we'd all attended recently, but I digress).
Some observations:
* They don't like Servalan.
One of them thinks she's just dumb and ridiculous; others tolerate her.
But none of them *likes* her, and I've always thought she was wonderful
fun. I'm thinking they won't be waiting for her to appear at the end
of Blake like so many other people I know did their first time through.
I'd say these are just people with an insufficient appreciation of
camp, but they *adored* Gambit.
* Warning people about Ben Steed helps.
I said he was my least favorite writer and horribly sexist, before each
of his episodes. It helps... if people go into those episodes with low
expectations they can find, I think, more enjoyment from them than they
would otherwise. However, the other girl in the group found no redeeming
value in Power whatsoever. I had said that it was Steed's most sexist
episode, but that it had redeeming factors (I was thinking of Nina and
Cato, and Vila's work on the door, pretty much--and I find Gunn Sar
hilarious). Cassia disagreed... she said she felt just dirty after
watching it. Oh dear.
* No Tarrant fans.
They seem pretty much to regard him as an interloper, and more than
one has called him an asshole during episodes--none of the other
regulars has gotten such harsh negative language. They liked him
in Deathwatch and Rumours, but they don't *like* him.
Opinions are much divided on Vila (buffoon? clever schemer? nice guy
caught up in larger events?). The Avon fan dismisses *his*
confrontation with Pella as never having happened, and the Vila fan
(who also likes Avon) rejects Stardrive's "Who?" as wrong, as doing
violence to the character of Avon. I think that line fits well with
what is yet to come, but I can't tell her that yet.
The main criticism at this point in the series (again, early season 4)
seems to be that nobody but Vila and Avon is getting any character
development. Tarrant and Dayna have regressed to different degrees
of followerness without the spark they had when they were each
introduced. Soolin we haven't seen enough of yet. I'd say that Vila
and Avon are reacting to their new direr circumstances, but that the
others aren't particularly.
They were all but one *furious* at Servalan's return in Traitor.
They felt it was a cheap cheat. What could I say? Yeah, it rather
is, but those making the show thought the series was ending as they
filmed Terminal, right? I suppose people who liked Servalan more would
be more willing to overlook the flimsiness of her continued existence.
The guy who comes for the bad effects and good story is much disappointed
with the beginning of the "find scientists, kill them off" series of
episodes. Other than the bike racing in Stardrive, for example, he felt
the effects were too good and the story too weak. ;-)
And various characters that people would like to see as new regulars have
not been added, and have mostly died. People they've thought might be added
to the crew (or might stick around the show, before its format became clear)
most recenly include Dorian and Dr. Plaxton, but I thought people might
be interested in the list of what-ifs so far. It's not exhaustive of
the good possibilities, of course, it's just what this group saw:
The Way Back: Tel Varon
Space Fall: Nova (of course), Leylan and Artix
(!!! Interesting potential there)
Cygnus Alpha: Arco
Mission to Destiny: Levett
Project Avalon: Avalon
Orac: Ensor
Pressure Point: Veron (especially since Gan had just died and seemed
to want replacing)
Killer: Dr. Bellfriar or Gambrill (okay, these are just me)
City at the Edge of the World: Kerril, of course
Rumours: Okay, they didn't expect Grenlee and Forres to join up,
but oh did they love them. They also appreciated Quute and
the general in Traitor.
Moloch: Doran (but only early on)
Rescue: Dorian
Stardrive: Dr. Plaxton
I must say that I'd love to see Artix or Dorian or Plaxton continue to
interact with our crew.