Betty responding to Fiona:
>I certainly agree that the possibility exists, and that this stuff is
>at least mildly suggestive. And I do think that the attraction
>on Jenna's part is very clear (although there's no good indication
>of just how strong that attraction might be). But I still don't think
>any of the physical touching constitutes a solid proof of sexual
>interest on Blake's part. *Emotional* concern, yes, but that
>ain't the same thing.
I'm going to risk jumping in here without having done my homework (I dunno
how anyone manages to watch two whole B7 seasons in an evening) so I'm not
going to give chapter and verse for all my thoughts, and anyone who objects
to this approach can abandon ship now. (However in my defence, I've watched
S1&2 through twice in the past 9 months with fanfic intent, so my
impressions are likely to be based on something....)
There are numerous instances where, IMO, Jenna shows interest in Blake,
starting as early as the scene in the transit cell. I wouldn't be 100% sure
what her emotions are (I'm not a card-carrying character-junkie and I find
interpreting people very tricky). However, there's clear affection, as well
as a degree of protectiveness (eg StarOne in her comments to Avon), which
almost verges on maternal instincts?
Blake and Jenna definitely appear to share a level of intimacy above what
we see Blake sharing with many of the rest of the crew. I'm thinking
particularly of Vila, Gan, but also even Cally -- I can't recall much
*personal* discussion between Blake and Cally, although they (B&C) clearly
share discussion of tactical / strategical matters.
In part, this might be chance -- Blake and Jenna have quite a lot of
onscreen time alone together in stressful situations, eg Duel, the
stuck-in-the-capsule-with-the-air-running-out scene (Time Squad), or the
torture scene in Horizon. I don't recall nearly as many similar occasions
for Blake with Vila or Gan, and, while Blake and Cally have quite a bit of
onscreen time (Time Squad, Bounty, Orac), I never catch much of a hint of
'intimacy' -- they're just two colleagues getting on with a (stressful)
Another factor is Jenna's personality. She tends IMO to empathise with
people as one of her default modes of interaction. She's pretty much the
only person who has a personal conversation with Gan, for instance (Time
Squad). There's also one or two occasions where she has a personal
conversation with Avon (Cygnus Alpha, the 'what do you know about
guilt'/'only what I've read' conversation in Trial, the cell scene in
Redemption). And even the bonding scene with Zen ...
Yet another factor is her dress sense. It's difficult not to feel on
occasion that she's displaying her charms to the masses with all the
low-cut numbers and the leather outfit. So, either she just likes pretty
clothes (possible) or she's displaying *at* someone -- Blake being the
obvious choice, though I wouldn't rule out Avon, myself. [Avon is after all
the only recipient of an overt-look-at me display (Cygnus)].
Actually I think a lot of supposed sexual side of Jenna's attraction to
Blake actually might rest in just that last point. I think people would be
less likely to presuppose sexual longing if she were other than pretty and
attractively dressed (the all-dressed-up-and-nowhere-to-go principle).
On Blake's side, I see affection and occasional protectiveness (Duel and
Horizon, f'rinstance) and absolutely nothing else. Actually I find it very
hard to discuss this because I just see nothing there at all. If I were
Jenna I'd be aiming my cleavage at one of the others within a week...
Tavia (who's sorry this is so incoherent, but it's the best she can do...)