Cheryl wrote:
Point one:
>Anna Grant is also Bartolomew; one of central
>security's best agents. She would not be known to
>many, but somewhere in the upper echelon's of the
>federation there would be a dossier on her and
>Servalan certainly knew who she was, yet she said she
>ran to her husband - I don't think she would have been
>allowed to run anywhere if she had actually conspired
>with Avon as he believed she did.
She tells Avon that she ran to her husband, which doesn't mean it is
true. She can't tell him that she was spying on him and then went back
to headquarters for debriefing, so she says she went somewhere else.
Being on the side of the authorities means she has no need to run, so it
is probably a lie. The idea of her 'husband' was probably a convenient
cover to her activities - why she couldn't move in with him, why he
couldn't come to her place, why he couldn't see her all the time.
>A change of name
>certainly would not protect her, therefore; I propose
>that she possibly was part of his actual downfall in
>the federation banking scam and was actually later
>reassigned - in case her cover had been blown by
After Avon was arrested, there was no more case, so she would have been
reassigned anyway. Since Avon knew Del Grant, it is reasonably to
assume Anna Grant was her real name. On this assignment she could not
use an alias because the target knew her real identity. However, after
the case ended it would be important to kill off the Anna Grant identity
(both Avon & Del Grant believed she had died) & establish a new one (eg,
>She then turns and faces him and says to him:
>"Avon"(she then rushes over to him with arms
>outstretched) "Avon! Oh! I was afraid they'd kill you.
>I heard there was someone with Blake, but I didn't
>know for sure, and I didn't dare let myself hope."
>This doesn't ring true at all - every man and his dog
>knows about Roj Blake, the Liberator and his crew, so
>we can be pretty sure that Councillor Chesku and his
>wife would know the names of the infamous Liberator
In some parts of the series it is stated that the stories about Blake &
co are suppressed whenever possible. Fair enough that Hal Mellanby knew
about them, but he was outside the system and not subject to the
suppression. If Anna was still with Central Security after the
operation, she would know that Avon had escaped, but this would be
knowledge that the "non-CS Anna" would not have. The information may
have been available to Councillors, but if it was a grey area she may
have decided it was safer to pretend that she definitely knew nothing,
rather than arouse Avon's suspicions.
>I think in her own way Anna had feelings for Avon,
>which is why she gave him leverage that she denied
>Chesku but as for love in the same sense that I
>believe Avon had for her...I would say, no.
I wonder what made her give up being a Central Security agent and advise
a group of revolutionaries?
>(My favourite 'Blake's 7' moment)
> What a fiasco! We could take over the ship you said,
> if I did my bit. Well, I did my bit, and what
> happened? Your 'troops' bumble around looking for
> someone to surrender to, and when they've succeeded,
> You, follow suit! (Avon to Blake. "Spacefall")
Personally, I love Blake's "Indulge me" in the last episode - the voice;
the expression; the one bulging eye - utterly brilliant.