Kathryn wrote:
>I'm not going to lie. I'm not going to pretend to be someone or
>something other than I am.
And most people here wouldn't dream of asking you to. You made your
comments in a perfectly polite, intelligent, well-thought-out manner to
explain your point of view and I cannot see why some people consider that
>I could start raving on about religious tolerance, but I know that
>religious tolerance is a myth. It only applies to percieved minorities.
Some of us try our best. Personally I'll cut a hell of a lot more slack to
someone who disapproves of homosexuality because of their religion than I
would to someone who was just bigoted without the religious background. You
wouldn't like my views on organised religion at all, but religious people I
have no problem with.
>One reason why slash discussion has been encouraged not to take place
>here, but on the Other List, is because it doesn't seem to be possible
>for people to dialogue happily about it. It is, as Ellynne said, like
>talking in a foriegn language -- nobody seems to understand what the
>other person is saying.
I agree that nobody is going to change anyone's mind as a result of these
discussions, because both sides believe that they are morally right.
Doesn't mean we can't discuss it in a sensible manner, though, as most
people have been doing. I don't think the problem is understanding - the
folk here are generally intelligent enough to understand where the other
side is coming from, they're just never going to agree. Whether it's better
not to discuss when you know from the start there can be no resolution is
another question, but personally I think discussion is better since it
might increase the level of understanding.