In a message dated 2/17/01 5:19:26 PM Eastern Standard Time,
N.Faulkner(a) writes:
<< This factor might be true for female fans, but even then I'm not sure that
it stands up with Buffy and Xena, who seem (though I may be wrong) to have a
sizable female following. I can, though, see how B and X might appeal to
women as attractive role models (and presumably some women might be sexually
attracted to them just as some men might have the hots for Avon or Spock) >>
Buffy and Xena *do* have male characters that the female fans tend to like,
though. In Buffy, there are Spike, Angel, Xander, Riley, Oz and Giles, all of
whom have their rabid fan followings. In Xena, Joxer and Ares immediately
come to mind. Now, I happen to also like the female leads (and their
sidekicks) in those particular shows, but that doesn't change the fact that
there are also plenty of males to be "attracted" to as well.