Carol wrote:
>Per what I've heard about doing music vids on computers,
>there are both advantages and disadvantages to computers vs. the
>old-fashioned way.
A couple of years ago I had my computer stolen when my house was
burgled, which had a few music videos I'd done on the hard disk.
Nothing special, as I was just seeing what I could do with the effects,
etc. For example, I did "Money (that's what I want)" with various money
scenes - the black gold, the Zerok bank notes, Avon 'happily' returning
the gems to Blake in Shadow, etc. Hardly ground-breaking stuff.
The one I liked the most was a song called "Silly Thing", which I put
over the end of Blake. To introduce it I edited the "I have always
trusted you" speech from Star One onto the start, so that it leaps from
the last time Avon sees Blake on the Liberator, to when he sees him on
GP. And the best bit of all was that the Star One scene ends with Avon
looking at Blake in the same direction as he is facing on GP, so I was
able to morph Avon from one image to the other without much difficulty.
That looked *really* good.
I used a Reveal Video Artist, but when I got my replacement PC I got a
different kit because Reveal had gone bust. I managed to download some
of their codecs from the internet, but I couldn't find all the ones I
needed, so I can't watch the videos I had saved to CD-R.