David >>
Here is an argument for ten years' real time you might like to look
Nico >
So how much perceived time from the POV of the crew would you say? 4
years plus the 8 months to CA, making it around 5?
Jenna's Point-of-View has
4 months (and 1-4 days) to Cygnus Alpha;
one year to the raid on Earth Central Control
eighty days to Star One.
Vila's Point-of-View has
8 months to Cygnus Alpha;
one year to the raid on Earth Central Control;
ninety days to Star One;
one year to Terminal;
one month to Star Drive;
four months for Avon's anti-Pylene alliance to gather and crumble;
one or two days to Gauda Prime.
Tentatively (since I change this a lot lately) Servalan's
Point-Of-View has
40 months to Cygnus Alpha;
eighteen months to the rendezvous with Kasabi during the raid on Earth
Central Control;
on average a month each for
Trial, Hostage, Voice, Gambit, Keeper, and Aftermath;
one year to Terminal;
three and a half years to the killing of Zukan.
David >>
(snipped Destiny's Flight time: 010; Elapsed: 090)
Nico >
I never noticed that. When the London took 8 months to get to CA, was
that 8 months elapsed or perceived?
It was perceived. Elapsed was, according to the argument upthread,
forty months. It was perceived as eight months by three at least
from Way Back
Guard: Alright, come on. Move. Keep moving. Come on faster.
Vila: It is going to be a very, very long eight months I am telling
Guard: Keep your voice down. Find the seat that is allocated to you.
Sit in it. Fasten the harness.
Someone: Do you know how to work these harnesses?
Vila: You just stick it in here.
Guard: Keep your voices down.
Vila: It is going to be a very, very, very long eight months.
Guard: You, fasten the harness. You, down in the front. That is your
seat. Come on, move. You, stop talking. Fasten your harness.
from Space Fall
Raiker: The voyage to Cygnus Alpha will take approximately eight
months ship time.
from Cygnus Alpha
Leylan: We have ground zero contact. All off. ... I will programme the
computer for the return. We lift off in D plus thirty.
Artix: Thirty minutes? Sir, we have been in space now for eight
months. I wouldn't mind stretching my legs a little.
Vila and Raiker before, and Artix after, the trip, all perceived it as
eight months long.
David >>
from Aftermath
Hal Mellanby: Blake and the Liberator? I have been hearing reports for
the last couple of years.
Nico >
But as this is the start of the third season, this would also be
consistent with a year a season.
David >>
The above data give the following chart...
Nico >
Sorry, but as this got to me in a variable font with the columns all
confused, I couldn't understand it properly.
I use charts occasionally. In the archive the web lays them out
Nico >
How much time passes from Vila's POV from Blake's trial to Blake's
death? Is my assumption of 5 about right?
Five years will do nicely. I do not ask you to change your <Vila's
My best guess is: Three years, four months (8+12+3+12+1+4=40 mos.).
This happens to be the time the Federation perceived for the voyage to
Cygnus Alpha.
Nico >
This could certainly explain why Blake looks so much older at the end.
It would and does. I didn't realise he looked older. My Sleer is even
older, I bet. It is a huge advantage to her, as it is to anyone in a
Faster-than-Light society, to have a fast ship.