> But what on *earth* might Cally and Jenna, or Cally and Tarrant, or Gan and
> Avon, or Dayna and Vila, find to talk about on the off-hours? Any
> suggestions?
Blake and Vila: sports
Cally and Jenna: travel. Jenna had to get around a bit as a smuggler,
and Cally must have done some travel prior to the Liberator. So they
talk about best shipboard rations, what the weather was like on
such-and-such when they were there. Maybe talk politics, too, because
Jenna is interested if not convinced by idealism.
Cally and Tarrant: this one is tough. They might like some of the same
games (after all, we saw Space Monopoly) and talk about strategy or
something. She might try getting him to talk about himself-- since she
can't read minds, she might feel like getting people to talk is a bit of
a substitute, especially, because she objects to Tarrant's behavior on
some occaissions, she might be more curious than usual as to why.
Gan and Avon: If you go with Avon as a chef, as some do, they might have
chats in the kitchen. Or they might discuss music. Gan seemed to have a
sort of music-video walkman in one episode and INTx's tend to have a
strong affinity for music.
Dayna and Vila: You know, they are the only two I could picture watching
really bad movies together, throwing popcorn at the set and even having
a belching contest. She's young enough to be silly if she lets go and he
likes to act juvenile.