> As for attacking Wendy - no, I don't think so, either. It looked more to
> me like people reacting to what they perceived as an attack from her.
> The topic and her position on it were not the problem; it was the
> sarcasm, insults, and slurs.
I'm telling you, go back and read the thread from the beginning, and prepare
for a shock. It makes for exhiliarating reading. Sarcasm, yeah, but no
insults *or* slurs. Often, too, she's only quoting people's own language
back at them (there's one where somebody starts a reply to her with "well,
duh," and she starts her reply with "well, duh," too-- why's that an insult
from Wendy and not from the other person?). I'd also point out that if you
read her penultimate Deliverance post (it's the fourth of the month I
think), she lets the last two defenders of the "Avon was nice to Meegat"
school off the hook. Obviously lacks the killer instinct.
The bit where it all seems to fall apart, though, is the "knock knock,
there's a wolf at the door" post. Now I haven't got the text of that handy,
cause I can't seem to get that far on the archive, but some people on the Lyst
seem to have decided to take it as an insult. Me, it reminded me a lot of a
riddle I heard a while back. The question was, "Are we wolves or lambs?" and
the answer was "both." Or, like Pogo said, "we have met the enemy and he is
That post was so cryptically put, it could have meant any number of things.
"None of us showed conspicuous intelligence on this occasion." --Avon