This is my second attempt to make this post so I will be brief. My servor bumped me offline during the first attempt.
I am looking for two out of print fanzines and am willing to pay for copies if someone has the zines but doesn't wish to sell her originals. The zines are Wallow Plus TWO and Orion's Approach. Contact me if you have these---JEB31538(a)
I believe in print zines and when I got into fandom 8 years ago, it was fairly easy to get zines, but they were expensive. Since then, the price has gone down for most zines....if you can find them.
I've got a fortune wrapped up in my paper zines and they take up an enormous amount of space to store. BUT I still prefer them to reading online simply because I prefer cuddling up with a paper zine in bed before I go to sleep.
I relate much better to paper than I do to a monitor. ANY story online I really like....if I don't have it already in a zine, I print out and put in a notebook. That way I can enjoy it anytime I want to as opposed to waiting for my husband to get offline or my teen daughter to get off the phone line. There are real advantages to having fiction on paper.
Plus several of my favorite writers are NOT online anywhere that I know of--Sylvia Knight (slash), Suzan Lovett (gen), Bryn Lantry (gen and slash), and Natasha Solten (slash). I sincerely believe Lovett to be one of the best gen B7 writers ever. And her "Road to Hell" is definitely one of the best gen stories ever written, in my opinion. Her five stories are available in three zines--all out of print, so for most new fans today the best way to enjoy Lovett is to buy Judith Proctor's reprint zine entitled ROAD TO HELL. I frankly prefer the stories in the original used zines because I love POWERPLAY 1, POWERPLAY 2, and THOSE WHO FAVOR FIRE, but I realize that for most new fans that it is more realistic to buy the Proctor reprint zine.