> David writes
> I know a contact in New Zealand who is thinking of setting up a Lending
> Library of B7 Zines. He already has a handful of items to lend.
I don't know if anyone in Australia has done this but for the record,
I'm interested. If no one knows of someone else setting up one here, is
there anyone who'd be interested in working with me in such a project?
FYI, I'm in Melbourne. ;)
Conventions are indeed a great way to get zines. Unfortunately, it's
expensive to go to conventions in the USA or in England. Airfares from
Australia are *substantial* and for those of us without much money,
conventions are very out of reach. :( And there simply isn't many
conventions in Australia and none that I've heard of a B7 contingent
attending. *sigh* (If anyone knows otherwise, contradict me please! ;))
Commenting on other points rasing in this thread, I prefer to read
fiction on paper. I too tend to print out stories from the mailing lists
if they're long and I really want to read them. But the internet is
cheap for me. Much cheaper than zines.