Det har dykt upp lite TV-serier nu som kan vara av intresse att titta på under ordnade visninagr då dom ej dykt upp på svensk TV. Det är åtminstånne 3 som kan vara av intresse.
Battlestar Galactica (2003) Vi tittade på de två långfilmerna som blev en pilot till denna nya TV-serie, det har gåt 3 avsnit såhär långt.
Following the critically aclaimed success of the two part mini-series of the revamped Battlestar an initial 13 episode first season is currently in production and features many of the original cast from that series plus will also feature guest appearances from Richard Hatch (the original Apollo) and potential starring roles for original Galactica stars.
Sky One are partially funding the new series and it is scheduled for September viewing alongside many other cult offerings.
Recent reports suggest, though, that the Cylons will not be as prominent and the famous space battles the original series was famed for will take a backseat in favour of broader characterisation and storyline.
Farscape Det har dykt upp två lånfilmer som en fortsättning på TV-serien (Är vällan redan inplanerad att kikas på av de som set Farscape serien, inget datum spikat dock)
Hex En ny Engels tv-serer om häxor och fallna änglar som förleder kvinnorna in i troldommen.
Welcome to the Hex guide at TV Tome.
Now here's a refreshing change: a sharp, supernatural drama about teens coming of age made this side (UK) of the Atlantic. But while Hex's basic premise - it's the tale of a slightly awkward but beautiful teenage girl discovering she has special powers - may make it sound like Britain's answer to Buffy, put that notion out of your mind. This is much darker (and sexier), designed to crank up the suspense until you're primed to jump out of your seat.