Swecon's short story contest
Swecon 2008: ConFuse is arranging a short story contest for its members. Since the convention has members who are not fluent in Swedish, this announcement is in English and it is allowed to participate with stories written in either Swedish and English.
Stories should be at most 7500 words. It is permitted to submit more than one story to the contest.
The contest will be judged by John-Henri Holmberg (publisher of the sf magazine Nova SF) and Anders Bellis. The winning story will be awarded a prize which will be announced later.
When you send a story to this competition, you also allow it to be published in Nova SF. Published stories will receive payment.
Stories should be sent to sweconstory@gmail.com no later than June 8, 2008. Please send each story in a separate message with the text in the message, not as an attachment.
More information about this year's Swecon can be found at http://www.lysator.liu.se/confuse/
Good luck!
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