Att det gällde sampling gör saken mer förståelig.
-----Ursprungligt meddelande----- Från: [] För Tommy Persson Skickat: den 30 december 2008 01:18 Till: Ämne: [LSFF] Diverse
Bordet på DeKlomp är bokat i mitt namn eller i namne "Sf-föreningen".
Angående två noter så hittade jag denna beskrivning:
(June 3, 2005) - Ignoring the critical balance between creativity and property rights that is essential to a healthy copyright system, a 3-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit today reaffimed the maverick position that it first announced last year - that the well-accepted "de minimis" rule in copyright law does not apply to sound recordings.
Under the court's latest ruling in Bridgeport Music v. Dimenson Films, even two notes sampled from a sound recording is automatically copyright infringement. (The court acknowledged that taking one note probably would not amount to infringement, since copyright law defines a sound recording as "the fixation of a series of musical, spoken, or other sounds.")
The case involves a two-second, three-note guitar riff sampled from the song "Get Off Your Ass and Jam," which was changed in pitch and "looped" into another song, "100 Miles." "100 Miles" was used in the soundtrack of a movie, I Got the Hook Up. The moviemakers were the defendants in the case. A federal trial court ruled that the copying was de minimis and therefore not actionable under copyright law. The Sixth Circuit panelreversed last year, but then agreed to grant "rehearing."
Så jag kom ihåg rätt att det stod två noter. Jag missade kanske att säga tydligt att det rör sig om sampling.
-- /Tommy Persson
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