"Leia Fee" leiafee@totalise.co.uk wrote:
Tim wrote...
Does anyone actually know why the Federation went to the trouble of fitting Gan with a limiter?
It does seem vaguely odd that they fitted him with the limiter and *then* shipped him off to a life sentence on a penal colony.
From what we see of the Federation they wouldn't particuarly care if he did in a few of the other prisoners.
It would seem more reasonable to fit the limiter if they wanted to release him back into the community.
I can think of a few reasons none of which are particuarly backed up by what we see in the series...just speculation... Maybe it was an experiement. Or maybe it didn't work properly.
I suggested a while back that perhaps 'they' did a batch of limiter implants and as soon as the first one (or two) implantees went haywire the remainder were sent off to prison planets.