Redemption 03 will be held from the 21st to the 23rd of February 2003 at the Ashford International Hotel, Ashford, Kent, UK.
It will be billed as: The 25th Anniversary Blake's 7 Convention and The 10th Anniversary Babylon 5 Convention
This will be a fan run event with all profits to charity. It will concentrate on fannish activities that let people join in rather than just sit in audience and listen. As at the two previous Redemptions, games will play a major part with role playing games and board games featuring alongside quizzes and competitions. Other events will include workshops, panels, debates, masquerade, drinking and so on.
The first guest to be announced is Blake's 7 script editor Chris Boucher, subject to work committments. Other guests will be announced later.
Hotel rates are 40 pound sharing, 57 pound single, including breakfast.
Convention rates: Full adult weekend 50 pound, or 45 pound before September 2002 and 40 pound before the end of March 2001. Weekend on the door will be 55 pound.
Adult one day in advance 30 pound and on the door 35 pound Child (under 14) 15 pound for the weekend and 10 pound for a day. Under 3s are fee Apocryphal memberships (for teddy bears etc) are one pound if accompanied by a paying human being. Supporting membership is 15 pound and this can be updated to a full membership at any time at the rate at that time.
Cheques should be made payable to "Redemption" and sent to Lesley McIntee, 26 Kings Meadow View, Wetherby LS22 7FX, UK. You can also pay by credit card via the web site for a small charge.
If anyone is on any other lists or news groups relevant to this, can you please forward it to them? Thankyou.
-- cheers Steve Rogerson
Redemption: The Blake's 7 and Babylon 5 convention 21-23 February 2003, Ashford, Kent