Sally wrote:
Thinking about some of my favourite politicians (I believe there's an election going on in the UK at the minute?
I must admit this week's campaigning has seemed rather too appropriate (for those not privileged to enjoy this particular feast, the Deputy Leader of the party currently in government punched a demonstrator in the face a few days back, and the demonstrator ended up being questioned by the police).
There's also a flavour (for me) of decay, especially in the 4th series, that clashes with the canonical fact that the Federation *is* in Pylene-driven resurgence and makes me believe that said resurgence is probably due to collapse soon with or without Our Heroes' intervention.
In S1--3 we get frequent glimpses into the heart of Federation Space Command; in S4 there's hardly a mention of central government of any description, we only see the scrapping around the edges. I don't see that we have much evidence either way for what's happening centrally.