Sally wrote (regarding Neil's comment):
Given that (if I understand you correctly, and BTW agree with you if I have) B7 society is patriarchal)
What's the evidence that B7 society is patriarchal? We encounter a fair few female persons of power within the Federation, apart from Servalan.
----- Original Message ----- From: Tavia Chalcraft
Sally wrote (regarding Neil's comment):
Given that (if I understand you correctly, and BTW agree with you if I have) B7 society is patriarchal)
What's the evidence that B7 society is patriarchal? We encounter a fair
female persons of power within the Federation, apart from Servalan.
Well, there are a fair few female persons in positions of power in UK society, too, and that doesn't make it any less patriarchal-- just as having some African-Americans in positions of power does not make the US any less racially stratified. IMO, anyway...
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