NOTE: all quotes are from "The Complete Writer's Guide to Heroes and Heroines." I'm leaving a lot out - most of which applies, some of which doesn't. If you want the latter, well, buy the book. It's interesting. ;-) -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Vila is The Charmer.
"He is sparkle and glitz, allure and appeal. Exuding enormous charisma, he showers the people in his life with gifts of laughter and happiness. He is always fun, often irresistible and frequently unreliable."
"His motto is "live and let live." The CHARMER never judges anyone and it only seems fair that no one judge him. In fact, he never cared much for any restrictions or rules. Life should be a party, not a job. Why can't everyone just have fun?"
"The CHARMER tries to get by on his personality and wit. Hard work is not in his vocabulary."
"Why would anyone want to spend time on something that does not offer instant gratification? Better to keep everything light and easy."
Under virtues:
"Witty-Smiles and laughter follow this man wherever he goes. Few can resist the CHARMER's banter. His sense of humor is one of his best assets and he knows it. No matter how bleak the situation, he makes light of it."
Under flaws:
"Irresponsible-When the baby needs diapering, do not expect the CHARMER to be around, no matter what he promises. His behavior is erratic. He cannot be counted on because he follows his own game plan, and his strategy is rarely obvious to anyone but himself."
"The CHARMER: + is dramatic + makes friends easily + is always "on" + has terrific enthusiasm."
Vila falls into the sub-category of The Rogue:
"The Rogue's smile hides his cleverness."
"The Rogue's people skills serve him well."
Among the occupations suggested for the Charmer are Gambler and Jewel Thief.
Susan Beth (