The Avon club print around 20 of their own zines plus reprints of Standard by Seven and some zines by Ros Williams and Judith Seaman. These are all A5 digest zines and generally represent very good value for money as none of them are expensive. They're low on art, and not always perfect on the proof-reading, but some of them contain some excellent stories.
It's been difficult to buy these in the past if you lived overseas because of the currency problem, but we're now agenting them via the Hermit web site, so you can order them by credit card.
We already have reviews of a few of the Avon zines, but would appreciate more if anyone has time to write them. I should add that the stories have a wide range - one of my favourite Vila stories of all time is in an Avon club zine.
PS. These are all gen zines - no adult material of any kind.