After I wrote: <Let Dr Bellfriar /Gambrill/Tynus/even Dr Wiler >survive and join Our Heroes (lovely set of guests this one has).>
Harriet wrote: <Gosh, I must go back and look at Dr Wiler.>
He's not nearly as gorgeous as Dr Bellfriar, but given his slow, utterly methodical, will-not-be-hurried character we see in his all-to-brief scenes, I can see him driving both My Darling and Fearless Leader up every wall in sight in no time at all, without the slightest realisation that he *is* ...
<he collects a brand-new seven fleeing from Freedom City (which got dented by a passing Andromedan fruit juicer) - Krantor and Toise, the Klute, Chenie, Jarriere, a paratrooper in a nun's habit (wrong fandom?) and one of those Sheiks of Arabeee ...>
< (Privately, I am totally overcome at the subtlety in which you managed to sneak in the really key bit here...)>
Well of course *he* would improve absolutely every episode, no question <g> but one was trying *not* to try everyone's patience with one's little obsessions ...
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