Then there's all the stuff about the legends of the Auronar, which flatly violates my altercanon (where the Auronar are originally from Earth).
It's all much less interesting than the picture we get from Children of Auron.
And all the black hole stuff which seems to be little more than Follett showing us what a marvellous science fiction writer he is because he can regurgitate stuff that ninety per cent of schoolboys know anyway. And those crap vehicles. And the Caliph (non-Islamic, so the script adds racism to its litany of sins).
In fairness to Follett the title has been moribund since 1924 (although Khomeni did consider reviving it) so I don't think it could have been that offensive. Mind you it was an entirely gratuitous piece of jackdawry on his behalf given that, as you point out, there's nothing remotely Islamic about Krandor. And if he did want an Oriental feel to the place, Vizier would have suited the Caliph's status rather better. On the other hand A collection of Arabian Nights cliches wouldn't added much.
And the Thaarn.
Well, the Thaarn is obviously Avon. As I recall there were seven gods, including the Thaarn. The Thaarn killed one of the other gods and was banished. Now we know what really happened after G.P. That's the real reason Cally didn't kill him :)
And Cally having her mind taken over yet again. And a load of tripe about bald dwarfs. And the general level of boredom pervading the entire episode from start to finish.
That's the real crime of this episode. If you're going to use something as spectacular as a black hole, then you should really discover something interesting when you get there, rather than a lugubrious welshman, a bloke in fancy dress and a not very bright alien.
No other episode violates the ambient ethos of B7 even half as much as this one. It is not B7 at all, it is the work of a hack writer with skiffy pretensions parasitising the series to get his name on television. I have no qualms whatsoever about excising it from my altercanon. I wouldn't do it with any other episode.
I know we're not really suppose to say "me too" on the lyst but in this case I'll make an exception. It doesn't really have a lot to do with the rest of the show.
I also find it hard to watch 'The Way Back', an
excellent episode with so
many implications for the kind of fanfic I'd like
to write, simply 'cos it
lacks my favoured character.
Awww! I had to suffer 16 episodes without mine. Travis fans must be really up against it, especially if they're of the partisan variety. It follows that Jarriere fans are a lost cause, but then we knew that anyway :)
One of my favourite characters in the series is Councillor Joban who only appears for a scene. It's not quantity, it's quality, you know !
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