The harvest of Kairos: someone mentioned killing off jarvik, fifty minutes earlier. Interesting.
one of the weird things about jarvik, was him conceding to Servalans request to capture the remaining bracelets and being her "champion". Given his unwillingness to do anything that Servalan had asked of him before it seemed out of character. He simply replied, 'if it amuses you.' Suddenly after he'd suduced her, or she'd seduced him, his brain went amiss. if he had any to begin with that is. he certainly lost his ability to defy authority. Perhaps he missed out on a proper brawl with the secuirty grades. Now, you could argue that being a primitive man, as Servalan suggested, this kind of machoism was quite in keeping. defeating tarrant, proof he really was better. Then again, he said he had a primitive respect for life. What about Tarrants life, he inferred he respected him, as a man. You'd think he'd include his own too...mind you, he lost quite a few men capturing the liberator. To me the character is a hotch-potch of inconsistencies. A philospher (see the tea cup), a warrior, a passivist (see not wanting to work in the armed services) blatenly sexist and dismissive of the female sex...except if they're beautiful, or he could hide behind one. here's a man critical of the federation and it's ethos and yet he prostituted himself when given the opportunity to prove something. avons comment that he was a federation thug has merit. comments? Nayte.
"That all-softening, overpowering knell,/ The tocsin of the soul - the dinner bell." Byron.
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