The last STARGATE SG-1 episode of the season aired last night, 'Meridian', and writers Malozzi and Mulley finally got their secret wish. They've been progressively downplaying the lead character Daniel Jackson for the past 2 years since they took over scripting duties on the show, and last night, they killed him off.
The show hasn't aired anywhere but the UK yet, but the SG-1 fans are going utterly berserk. They jammed MGM's phone lines here in the US with overseas calls so badly that no one can get through to the studios, and a rebellion seems to be erupting to get the writers fired and have the actor brought back (he quit over the treatment of his character). It ought to be very interesting at WOLFCON in London, this weekend; Michael Shanks is the top guest and there are going to be a lot of upset attendees. I'm glad Annie and I will be there...
I watched it with a sort of vague they-can't-do-that-oh-they-have but I did remember hearing rumours he was leaving the series so sort of gueesed what was going to happen pretty quickly.