From: "Shane Little"
Annie wrote:
I never demanded that you (or Neil or anyone) "shut up." I simply pointed
that your comments were taken as an insult against my personal lifestyle choices. I believe several others agreed that it was an insult. I don't
you (or many other Christians on this list) would like it if I aired my personal views on Christianity
Perhaps they might. Not everyone on the lyst thinks other people's viewpoints are "sick," you know. I don't agree with Kathryn's beliefs, but because she presented them politely and neatly, I read her post and
agreed to disagree. If you were able to air your views on Christianity politely and in a rational way, people might well listen. But calling other people sick and slagging off their beliefs out of hand isn't going to win you any politeness awards.
I'm with Shane on this one. I have to say it's a bit narrow to not care about other people's reasons for doing or not doing something, however one personally feels. There's lots of things in B7 fandom I personally don't do and may even find objectionable on one ground or other, but I'm always interested in other people's reasons *for* doing them-- perhaps because it's so different to my own beliefs that I'd like to know more about them. I'm an agnostic who was raised by atheist parents, but I've attended several churches of various faiths and denominations, because I'm interested in worldviews different to my own.
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